


Controlling inflammation is a hot topic today in disease control. Acute inflammation is actually a good thing (think bee sting, poison ivy) that comes on fast and happily leaves the body fast as well. Chronic inflammation is the one we need to worry about and can wreak havoc on the body with disease like atherosclerosis, cancer, depression, diabetes, alzheimer's, autism, obesity, and arthritis to name a few. I don't know about you, but I don't want any of these diseases! Below is my list of top foods to eat to combat inflammation, as well as my list of foods to avoid. Keep in mind the key take away is eating as many NATURAL foods as possible!   1. Omega 3 fats- This might sound like an easy...

Best Probiotics

Here in 2016 we are constantly hearing about probiotics, prebiotics, fermented this, etc, etc. The interest of getting enough probiotics in your body has turned into a huge market for the consumer with a lot to gain in their health. The vast majority of yogurt brands that have come on the scene is proof that this is happening at a fast rate. Are probiotics a miracle cure? Do they really help our bodies that much? Some of the benefits include- Irritable bowel syndrome, infectious diarrhea, eczema, urinary tract infections, yeast infections, allergy prevention, strengthened immune system, weight loss, stronger teeth, decreased blood pressure, as well as enhanced exercise recovery. In this blog, I am going to list my top 5 favorite probiotic food choices and...


In today's world there seems to be a lot of attention on a low carb, high fat diet.The basic premise is to increase your percentage of fat and protein, while decreasing your percentage of carbohydrates which leads to a state of ketosis. When you take someone that starts this nutrition plan, there are several changes going on. Without this turning into a Biochemistry class,  I am going to discuss what ketosis is, the benefits, as well as the pro's and cons of following a ketogenic diet. First lets start with what ketosis is. Ketosis is when your body's energy supply comes from ketone bodies in the blood. Ketone bodies are a bi-product of fatty acid metabolism in the liver. Using ketone bodies as an energy supply typically...

Top 10 Ways to Stay Accountable to an Exercise Program

For a large majority of us, we often find ourselves unable to maintain a fitness regimen. There are numerous excuses as to why we struggle to hold onto this simple, yet complex idea. I have compiled below, my 10 favorite strategies to maintain and execute a fitness program.   Exercise buddy- I have seen hundreds of active minded people use this as their sole reason to keep to their health. Some people I know simply cannot exercise alone and RELY on this everyday! Whether it is meeting at the gym, a running buddy, fitness classes,etc. Find a partner in crime to hold you accountable and you will notice more consistency I guarantee! Morning- I myself like to exercise first thing in the morning. For starters, it can rev...

10 Ways to Burn More Fat

Whether you are a professional athlete trying to become leaner for your sport, or someone who has been trying to lose weight for health reasons, teaching your body how to tap into your stored body fat as fuel is the key to achieving your weight loss goal. In the list below I have compiled my top 10 ways to maximize your metabolism to pull from stored fat instead of ingested carbs. 1. Intermittent Fasting- This is key to long-term sustainability in your body becoming a fat burning machine. The idea is to eat all of your calories in a short window of 6 to 8 hours. Not only will this help your body burn stored body fat, but it will also make your day much easier...

Top Foods for Exercise Recovery

There are countless methods to enhance exercise recovery, good nutrition and hydration standing out as two of the most beneficial. These are my top 10 favorite foods for post workout recovery. 1. Plain greek yogurt with fruit- Greek yogurt provides anywhere from 15-25 grams of protein in 1 cup, and most fruit  has enough simple sugars to create the perfect post workout snack 2.  Omelette- Anyone in my family knows this is my all-time favorite post workout dish. I usually start with 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1/2 cup of cheese and my roster of veggies I choose from are - broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, and onions. This meal will give me about 400 calories total that includes 30 grams of fat, 30-40...

Shredded Chicken Tacos with Mango Salsa

Possibly the favorite meal in our household.  It's easy, and a very healthy go-to for us.  We make a huge batch of the mango-salsa and often just throw it on top of a bed of lettuce and add a protein such as chicken.  DELICIOUS!   Ingredients: 12 ounces skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice, divided 1 tablespoon canola oil 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, divided 3/4 cup chopped peeled ripe mango 1/2 cup chopped seeded tomato 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro 1 tablespoon minced seeded jalapeño pepper 8 (6-inch) corn tortillas 1 cup packaged angel hair coleslaw Preparation: 1. Place chicken in a skillet, and cover with water; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil 1 minute. Remove pan from heat; cover and let stand 15 minutes or until chicken is done. Remove chicken from...

Top 10 Exercises That Don’t Require A Gym Membership

As the new year approaches, and people start creating new year resolutions, most will add getting fit and healthy to their list.  For those of you that think you need to be a member of a gym to get fit, this couldn't be further from the truth!  Some of the best exercises don't require a gym membership at all and can be done in the comfort of your own home.  Here are a list of my top 10 exercises to get you fit for FREE...

Best Cross Training Sports For Runners

When it comes to running faster most of us have figured out that to run faster we need to run OFTEN and FAST, but there are several different cross-training methods that can greatly enhance your running. Some of the benefits of cross-training are increased aerobic fitness, better recovery, more flexibility, injury prevention, breaks up the monotony, more efficiency, as well as increased strength. In this blog I am going to discuss the 5 best activities for cross-training to improve your running.     Swimming- Swimming will work every muscle in your body, as well as provide for minimal impact. I recommend swimming on an off day from running or after a hard or long run to help speed recovery. Swimming can also be very therapeutic and feel very refreshing...


For most active people there comes a time when we have a lingering ache or fatigue that won't seem to go away. The reasons could be anything from not enough stretching, exercising in cold weather and your muscles are tight, too much too soon, too much intensity in your workouts, lack of sleep, too many days without a day off from exercising, as well as not eating healthy. I have compiled my top 5 questions to ask yourself if what you have is general soreness or something that should require getting looked at by a professional.   Has the pain been bothering you for 2 weeks?- I use this one myself to gauge whether or not I am just sore from a prior workout or is this...